Wednesday, December 19, 2012

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Website making: Part 3

The shock! Our school also had another team. They had brought a website a few days back which they had designed not by programming but by using MS FrontPage. Thus, it had lacked the modern features like CSS, and looked a bit like Avirup's 'Government Website'. But, that day, they were desperate for flash technology. On the day of the competition, on the 7th, they brought something that literally brought our eyes out. He had a 3D VIDEO GALLERY!!! And a 3D PHOTO GALLERY as well!!! We lost hope. The only thing that we had was...
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Website making: Part 2

The home page was done. But, the whole thing was still left. It was a Saturday. I wanted to make a simple, user-friendly, and sophisticated-looking design for most of the other pages. I write in a blog...:P You know that, of course, but that didn't strike my mind then. I just surfed the web for more and more webpage designs. Then, came a blog called 'The Flower Blog'. Actually, it was a tutorial for creating a blog like design....
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Monday, December 17, 2012

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Website Making: Part 1

Hello Yoko! This is gonna be really exciting to describe. 3 weeks ago, our computer tutorial ma'am had asked two boys to get ready for making a website. Unfortunately, she didn't ask me. I didn't know much about HTML coding and other stuff then, but I still had the interest of doing it. And, that naturally saddened me a bit. I tried to forget it as much as possible, but it stayed on my mind. Finally, one day when I was entering the computer...
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