Tuesday, July 17, 2012

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New Mouse

This is great! Today, my father got me a new mouse, and that too a wireless from Microsoft.  I was skeptical at first, especially because the price was quite high. But, when the person is the store showed me the range of the mouse, I was really impressed, and so was my father. It needs a battery...that's all! Today, another thing happened. I was worried all day at school, and especially after my friends said that my tutorial class' teacher was going to take a surprise test. I was really worried, because I hadn't prepared...
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

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New Notebook

My new notebook has arrived! Now I am blogging from the notebook itself! We went to the airport to bring my aunt and my brother today. We didn't even have to wait for long...perhaps 10 minuted or so. I spent that time reading the Kite Runner. Anyway, just when the flight had arrived we went up to the conveyor belt, and we found them waiting to collect their bags! We waived our hands frantically just to make them see us. That is the moment that I enjoy the most whenever they arrive here. After they came home, Kundan(my brother)...
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Friday, July 06, 2012

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My first stage experience!

It was the 8th of April. As I woke up, only one thing was in my mind...my musical tribute.                         I had created a presentation for my father(lasting for 15 minutes). It showed the different stages of my father's life...I named it 'From Innocence to Experience', or it would be better to say-my mother named it. It contained various pictures of my father's life from his very birth to his age of 50 years. I and my mother had secretly made it in my room...
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Thursday, July 05, 2012

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One more to go...

Now that my literature exam is down, I only have to give the maths exam tomorrow. But that is the most frightening test. I have tried real hard to complete most of the tough sums that my tutorial teacher gave me to do(but, along with this I should be thanking a special person-my uncle, who actually completed all of the sums for me, and guided me in the proper way. Now, only time will tell if all that effort was worth. Tomorrow's test will mostly consist of questions from that exercise sheet that our tutorial teacher provided...
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Wednesday, July 04, 2012

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Exams exams everywhere!

Currently I am in a position with exams all around me. If this week and the next week passes peacefully, I can perhaps enjoy a bit when my brother and my aunt come here . They usually come after three years. So let's hope for the best. I just finished watching 'Ip Man' and now I am gonna sit to study for me literature test. The only problem with this year's literature test is that I don't even know what the poem(that has been included in our syllabus) means [I sit and look out], because I too was practically sitting and...
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Tuesday, July 03, 2012

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This is a type of the common 'HelloWorld' program we do in almost all languages (in computer), when we are first introduced to them. This is my first exposure to the world. Although I maintained a blog in Blog.com, I didn't really keep posting to it for long...for 3 or 4 days at maximum. I plan to keep my life stories continuously in this blog.  Right, let's start away...first let me introduce you to me. I am a student...studying in 11th standard. I live in Salt Lake, West Bengal, India. I am pursuing...
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