Thursday, August 16, 2012

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Memories of nature-from Shantiniketan

OK! This is the first time I am posting my photos to my blog. I hope you enjoy them! They can be considered a gift from Shantiniketan... Took this while cycling around inside our boundary walls Same as the above. This has a Harry Potter like effect...:) I had missed the silver lining of the clouds(as always). This was the after-effect This is not our house. It is another model inside our compound-the deluxe...
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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

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Call of Duty - Black Ops

No sequence in gaming. The last Call of Duty that I had played was COD 2. And now, I jumped to Black Ops! Call Of Duty 7! I went to a friend's house last day, and I had taken my 8 GB pen drive with me. He had the game. The game is about 7.63 GB or something like that. But it took nearly half an hour to copy it on to my pen drive! Anyway, after copying it, I went back home at about 12:00 PM. As soon as I reached home, I took out my notebook and installed it. Unfortunately, even after going through a lot of complications, the...
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Sunday, August 12, 2012

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A small but new idea!

I haven't coded for a long time, say for a month by now. I mean I haven't worked on anything big. I had to do small home-works for my school and my tutorial classes, but now my father just gave me a new idea, in an indirect way. He has a large number of accounts in various websites, organizations, etc. So, this would probably be great if I made an enhanced version of the password storage facility that I had made earlier. The earlier one had a poor filing system(the sequential system), and was not very user friendly....
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Music - The Soul Companion

This post is mainly to describe what music I like. My parents developed a good taste of music since I was a child. I liked Rabindranath Tagore's music, some Bengali bands' music, and some English movies' songs, including some serials. When I was studying in 8th grade, one of my best friends first introduced me to Western pop music, and also rock music. He gave me a pen drive full of such songs. Initially I liked most of them. In fact, they were outweighing my previous taste of music. I loved the rock songs of Linkin Park,...
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Thursday, August 09, 2012

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Not Much To Say

The title explains everything. Well, almost everything...:) I am a bit afraid about my studies nowadays with the load increasing with each day, and my backlog also increasing. I am actually afraid about chemistry and physics. Mathematics is going on at some progress at least. Anyway, now about my new notebook...:D My McAfee antivirus was slowly expiring. The demo version that was pre-installed, was actually a limited version of 1 month. I had started worrying about which antivirus I would get. Most of them are really costly....
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